We're Back... Contra Dancing "Most" 3rd Saturdays of the Month!
Join us each month for a dance with European roots and American flair, amped up with a saucy mix of music from New England, Appalachia and beyond! It’s fun, flirty and easy to learn. Walking/stepping/twirling in time with the music is 87.5% of it.
All ages welcome. Attend once and you'll have it figured out conceptually. Join us three times and you're practically an expert!
So, dust off your soft-soled shoes and get your contra on!
Potluck snacks served at halftime. BYO water, hands and feet.
Sign up to receive our email and never miss a dance!
NEXT DANCE: Saturday, March 15, 2025
7-10 pm (doors open 6:30; intro/lesson 6:45) at the
Elks Lodge historic ballroom in Grass Valley, CA
Caller: Talib Huff (calling for 30 yrs)
Music: Raven & Goose (nationally-touring duo of Corwin Zekley and Grace Fellows)
Entry: $15 cash (exact $ appreciated); ask about special rate for families
Event link to share is HERE
What is Contra Dancing?
Imagine a lively blend of English country dancing, square dancing and swing dancing … to infectious live music. All the moves are "called" in advance, first with a walk-through and then during most of the dance. Come with or without a partner; we usually change partners for each dance.
More info about contra on our About page
April Dance: 4/19/25 (same time and location as above)
Caller: Delphine Griffith
Music: Wild Goose Chase

Dance Contra, Dance Local
Where are people contra dancing in the US? Check out this “heat map” (thanks to Jeff K at Boston/BIDA) to see where the most bodies are dancing. The highest concentrations are in New England, Appalachian areas and the Northwest. But no need to travel far and create tons of CO2. Join us for a dance in Nevada County each month!